14. 4. 2021

Grand Opening of Palatino Guru Café in myhive Pankrác House

On Monday, April 12th, the pick-up window of Palatino Guru Café in the lobby of myhive Pankrác House opened for the first time. Tenants stopped by for free coffee or tea and were given a special spring gift.

Offices are an important meeting place for people from different areas, something that we sorely missed last year. People from the myhive community were able to use the grand opening of Palatino Guru Café’s pick-up window on Monday, April 12th, to see one another, at least for a short time. Free refreshments were enjoyed and tenants received a basket with young daffodil and hyacinth plants that they can use to brighten up their offices.

We’d like to thank everyone from myhive Czech Republic for taking such good care of our offices and creating a pleasant atmosphere in these difficult times.